
My Testimony

I grew up in a Christian home and learned about Jesus and that there is such thing as a heaven and a hell. I learned that in order to get to heaven, I couldn’t get there on my own; I needed Jesus’s help. I prayed to Jesus and asked Him to save me from hell since I knew that without Him, I would go to hell. I didn’t quite understand everything at that age, but as I grew older, I learned more and at a later age asked Jesus to do the same thing again. I continued to learn more about Him and how I was His. He did something I could never do for myself, and since I asked Him to save me, I was His child which meant He would teach me like a parent would. He would do so through the Holy Spirit, who came into my heart when I asked Jesus to save me. Although I cannot audibly hear His voice, I can tell when He is teaching me certain things.  The Holy Spirit teaches me through giving me a nagging feeling in which I know that I have done wrong, called conviction.  It happens when I am doing something that God has told me not to do in the Bible, also known as sinning against God.  This is not the end, the end will not come until Jesus decides, until then I continue to try to learn more about God and please Him.

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